My Approach


Make It Fun

My first job is to build a positive rapport with whomever I am working with. I prefer to do this by creating a fun environment—an environment where trying is prized above “getting it right”.

If the approach needed to increase a child’s engagement is for me to be silly, I am not afraid to do that. For example, I enjoy using improvisational techniques in order to help teach social skills and non-verbal communication.

It has been my experience that children make more progress when they feel like they’re playing rather than working.


Evaluate Progress

While some children may have a variety of areas in which they need help, I prefer to focus on one thing at a time. I feel this is the best way to determine if a particular strategy is effective and important enough to continue focusing on.

I create weekly plans that lay out short- and long-term goals—with specific ways to monitor progress.


Maintain Gains

It is extremely rewarding to watch and hear children produce specific sounds for the very first time.

I have seen changes happen in one session, slowly over the course of many sessions, or all at once after having worked on a specific skill for several months.

When possible, I like to conduct some therapy sessions with the child’s care giver(s) present so I can teach them simple things they can do in the child’s home environment to increase the likelihood of a given technique or skill really taking root in the child’s life.


I currently accept Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and Moda Health insurance. I also provide out-of-network services and am happy to provide you with the appropriate paperwork so you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.